Спасибо большое Роберту за старания и труд, очень приятно, что там рядом с Алексеем есть много очень ъхороших людей и Роберт один из них. СПАСИБО ЗА ВНИМАНИЕ, ЗА ТРУД, ЗА ВИДЕО И УРА!!!!!!!!!! ВОЗМОЖНО ЗАВТРА ОЖИДАЕМ ФОТО,
Сообщение с блога: http://robertsapexenterprise.wordpress. … en-5-city/
Matias – Live in Golden 5 City
Posted: 31/10/2012 in Article
Tags: Hurghada, Matias, Ukrainian, Singer, Golden 5 City, Live, Concert, Egypt, Hotel, Tourism
Today’s topic will be Hurghada once more, I got the opportunity to help out a friend so why not.
Anyways Golden 5 City, managed by Princess Egypt Hotels had a special Guest and Event yesterday night. The Ukrainian singer Matias came to give a live performance for all guests etc.
Back at home they call him the Ukrainian Michael Jackson, hopefully only by the sense of singing thou!
Anyways I got to be backstage and front-stage and record this event. The cameras given were not something special, but it was the best they had since the big cameras were occupied! So I apologize directly now to you who will complain about quality! Sometimes you have what you have!
Below I’m going to share the links to both the videos and pictures links where these are being uploaded Hope you will enjoy it (IF you didn’t realize it yet the concert was not Metal – Just a Heads-up).
To find out more information regarding the hotel thou simply go to:
And now the links!
Main mix video (nothing too fancy with special effects etc, but the intro fell in perfectly)
And here are the links to the LIVE Videos!
(Or here will be the links once the videos get uploaded! – Still more to come)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6OMJ6LU … u.be&a
Pictures will be uploaded soon, so for now just keep in track with their main facebook page where the pictures will end up (Probably tomorrow)
Thank you!
Robert C. Friedrich